Book Manuscript
“The Political Economy of Japanese and Chinese Infrastructure Financing Governance”
Contract with Bristol University Press
Peer-reviewed articles
Trissia Wijaya & Lee Jones. (forthcoming). "Indonesia, nickel, and the political economy of polyalignment. Third World Quarterly.
Trissia Wijaya & Kanishka Jayasuriya. (forthcoming), "Engineering China's militarised neoliberalism: class, state, and technology. Made in China Journal.
Trissia Wijaya & Ali Hayes. (2024). "AUKUS Behind the Scene: through the lens of militarised neoliberalism", Australian Journal of International Affairs, online first, 10.1080/10357718.2024.2398745​
Trissia Wijaya, Jessica Liao, Ewon Baik, & Saori Katada. (2024). “Pivotal Power of Small States to Save the International Liberal Economic Order", The Pacific Review, online first,
Trissia Wijaya. (2024). “Risk is not measured, but compromised and contested: the case of Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Railway”. Journal of Contemporary Asia, online first, doi: 10.1080/00472336.2024.2378856
Trissia Wijaya & Kanishka Jayasuriya, (2024). "A new multipolar order: Combined development, state forms, and new business classes, International Affairs, online first, doi: 10.1093/ia/iiae135
Trissia Wijaya & Lian Sinclair. (2024). “An EV fix for Indonesian extractivism: The resource nationalist-green development nexus”. Environmental Politics, online first,
Trissia Wijaya & Kanishka Jayasuriya. (2024). “Militarized neoliberalism and the reconstruction of the global political economy”. New Political Economy, online first,
Trissia Wijaya & Ali Hayes, (2023). “State transformation and class relations under the shadow of economic security: The case of Japan”. The Asia Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, 21(12),
Trissia Wijaya & Alvin Camba, (2023). “The Politics of Public Private Partnerships: State-Capital Relations and Spatial Fixes in Indonesia and the Philippines”. Territory, Politics, and Governance, 11(8):1669-1688,
Trissia Wijaya & Shofwan Al Banna Choiruzzad. (2022). “Chinese Capital’s Move into Upstream Oil Palm Plantations: Navigating Competing Sustainability Norms and Regulations in Indonesia”, Global China Pulse 1(2),
Trissia Wijaya. (2021). “Conditioning sustainability fix of ‘ungreen’ infrastructure in Indonesia: transnational alliances, conflict, and compromises”, The Pacific Review, 35(5), 821-852 ,
Trissia Wijaya. (2020). “Covid-19: The politics of local responses in Indonesia”, Melbourne Asia Review (3), August 2020
Trissia Wijaya. (2019). “Chinese Business in Indonesia and Capital Conversion: Breaking the Chain of Patronage”, Southeast Asian Studies 8(2): 295-329,
Policy and Public Scholarship
Trissia Wijaya (2024). Whose rules or who rules in Indonesia: Chinese Investment in the Indonesian nickel industry. BRI Monitor. Washington DC: CIPE. link
Christian Guntur Lebang, Gatra Priyandita, Trissia Wijaya, Noor Aini Zakaria and Alham Kurnia Rasyid (2023). Transformasi Digital Indonesia: Kondisi Terkini dan Proyeksi [Indonesian Digital Transformation: Current Conditions and Projections]. Jakarta: Lab45., link
Trissia Wijaya (2023). Unpacking the Fintech Regulatory Sandbox Framework in Indonesia: Risk Management and the Data Privacy Imperative. Jakarta: Center for Indonesian Policy Studies
Trissia Wijaya (2022). The Rise of Innovative Credit Scoring System in Indonesia: Assessing Risks and Policy Challenges. Jakarta: Center for Indonesian Policy Studies
Trissia Wijaya (2021), “Assessing the Risks and Impacts of Infrastructure on Women’s Rights in Indonesia”, with UNDP, link
Trissia Wijaya (2019), “Accommodating the past, present, and future: Japanese aid and investment in Indonesia”, Special Japan Report, Perth USAsia Centre, August 2019.
Trissia Wijaya (2019), “The Political Economy of Chinese and Japanese Infrastructure Regime: A Case Study of Indonesia (preliminary analysis), IDE-JETRO VRF Monograph Series, No. 504
Book Review
Trissia Wijaya. (2025). Book Reviews: Defying Beijing: Societal Resistance to the Belt and Road in Myanmar, by Debby S.W. Chan. The China Journal, June.
Trissia Wijaya. (2024). Book Reviews: Resource Nationalism in Indonesia: Booms, Big Business, and the State, by Eve Warburton. Contemporary Southeast Asia, November.
Book Chapter
Trissia Wijaya (2024, forthcoming), “AUKUS: Who Wins and Who Loses: AUKUS as militarised neoliberalism”, in Mark Beeson and Kanishka Jayasuriya (eds), Australia, AUKUS, and the New Cold War.
Trissia Wijaya (2021, February), “Grounding infrastructure politics of BRI in Indonesia: alliances, conflict, and the politics of scale in the case of Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Railway” (in Japanese), in Miwa Hirono (ed), Ittai ichiro wa nani o motarashita no ka: Chugoku mondai to toshi no jirenma [What has Belt and Road brought about: Chinese investment problem and dilemma], Tokyo: Keiso Shobo Publishing.
Shorter article and Op-ed
Post-Covid-19 Economy, Geopolitical Shifts, and the Distortion of PPPs in Southeast Asia, Fresh Perspective, Australia institute of International Affairs, 10 October, link.
Great powers vs domestic politics: The clean energy trade-off", Interpreter, 16 April, link
"China-Indonesia economic cooperation cannot continue to overlook human security", Indonesia at Melbourne, 16 April, link
“An EV-fix for Indonesian mining: The green development-resource nationalist nexus, Inside Indonesia, 7 March 2024. link
“Chinese financing dovetails with Indonesian developmentalism”, New Mandala, 5 December 2023, link
“Regulatory Risks key barrier to investment in submarine cables”, The Jakarta Post, 24 February 2023, link
“Indonesia’s digital infrastructure opportunity”, East Asia Forum, 6 January 2023, link
“Measuring state’s commitment to implementing Data Protection Law”, The Jakarta Post, 29 October 2022, link
“Navigating the murky waters of Data Protection Law: Time to seal the deal, The Jakarta Post, 5 September 2022, link
“Greening the Belt and Road Initiative through CSR programs”, Belt & Road in Global Perspective, 2 April 2022, link
“Nusantara: failing to plan or planning to fail?”, with Samuel Nursamsu, East Asia Forum, 24 March 2022, link
“Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Railway”, The People’s Map of Global China, 4 August 2021, link
“Jokowi 2.0, Omnibus Bill, and the New Capital City: Neoliberalism on Trial”, Developing Economics, 9 April 2020, link
“The Trouble with Indonesia’s Infrastructure Obsession”, with Samuel Nursamsu, The Diplomat, 9 January 2020 link
“Towards better understanding of Chinese investment in Indonesia”. The Conversation, 1 April 2019, link
“Is This a True Thaw in Sino-Japanese Relations?”, with Yuma Osaki, The Diplomat, 16 February 2019, link
“China’s Belt and Road Initiative: The Sum of Messy Parts”. Asia Sentinel, 16 October 2018 , link
“Japan Doesn’t Need to Compete with China’s Belt and Road”, with Yuma Osaki, The Diplomat, 7 September 2018, link
“Winning Hearts on China’s Belt and Road”, with Gatra Priyandita, The Diplomat, 4 May 2018, link
“China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Southeast Asia Gambit?”, with Gatra Priyandita, The Diplomat, 31 May 2017, link
“ASEAN: the ‘single fighter’ in East Asia”, The East Asia Forum, 3 February 2017, link
“Malaysia, the Philippines, and ASEAN”, New Mandala, 29 November 2016, link
“Why China Won’t Seriously Take Duterte’s Proposed Pivot into Account?” Eurasia Review, 29 October 2016 , link
“Obama’s Effect in Indonesian Public Engagement: Is it enough?”, with Gatra Priyandita, The Jakarta Post, 26 August 2016, link
“Abenomics is Failing. So Why is Abe Poised to Win Big in Japan’s Election?” The Diplomat, 5 July 2016, link
“Can Overseas Chinese Build China’s One Belt, One Road?” The East Asia Forum, 2 June 2016, link